Monday, February 27, 2012

10th Feb Heroes on the battlefield of life...

"You don't raise heroes, you raise sons. If you treat them like sons, they'll turn out to be heroes, even if it's just in your own eyes."

Author: Walter Schirra Sr.

Might I add that Lincolne is teaching us all along the way about grace and grit, being a hero in the everyday battles that face many in this world, is, in my opinion the hardest battle of life. You speak so loudly to so many in the way you are living and those of us watching can learn, if we are wise, and unveil great treasures that lift our hearts and minds to the heavens seeking for the truths that can change our own lives, we now carry a prayer in our hearts, a prayer of hope, a prayer that almost pleads that we will treasure these precious lessons of life and not look back...
Grant shares such beautiful insights as you will know by now and I am so grateful for the time taken to share them with us.

I park the car, walk into the hospital and wait at the lift, surrounded by people. I look at as many as I can, especially the sad ones, try to make eye contact and smile. We enter the lift and sure enough they push the 6, intensive care, 7, spinal or 9 pain management/burns.
Using the movement he has in his shoulders and biceps Lincolne managed to turn hand pedals unassisted for 6 seconds yesterday. He worked so hard at the gym he made himself vomit a couple of times. There is a saying - most wars are won before you set foot on the battlefield. Lincolne remains positive, is determined to do all he can to make the most of what he's got and give himself the best chance of recovery. I remain amazed at his courage and determination, if anyone is ready for this fight, Lincolne is.

The doctors also wanted to meet with us. They'd charted all the sensory areas on Lincolne's body which confirmed an incomplete C4 injury, any movement or feeling he had from the shoulders down is a bonus. He has some movement, his biceps. This could improve when the swelling and edema has subsided, which could take many months, maybe years, but improvement is very low probability. The doctors also ordered Sharon & I to get more sleep and rest. So I better go do that.

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